Cats and natural products

Cats’ metabolism differs from dogs’ metabolism. Unlike dogs who can break down the various compounds found in natural rawmaterial like tar, resin, honey, etheric and pitch oil,  in their liver, cats are unable to do so. Most of these natural compounds absorb from bloodstream to liver and as such are harmful or poisoneous for cats. If such natural rawmaterials are used in cats’ care, the amounts have to be carefully monitored. Through their skin a cat might absorb harmful amounts of these compounds, which it isn’t able to break down. When using different brands products containing such natural raw material, it is important to check the labels. Unfortunately not all manufacturers or marketeers of animal care products are familiar of the risks associated with use of natural raw materials with cats.

From SOLHEDS products, Derma4 Gentle shampoo, Derma8 Earl Cleaner SENSITIVE, Derma9 Luxury Shine & Care, Derma10 Heel Balm, Derma12 Finishing Oil and Derma15 Lusterious conditioner are safe to be used on cats. Caution needs to be used when using  other Derma-products and limit use to  moderate application of these products, in order to avoid exceeding harmful dose of essential oils. If using other than Derma4,  Derma9 and Derma10, monitor your cat’s condition carefully. Use sparingly Derma7 soothing sun shield and Derma13 Zinc solution on cats . Larger amounts of zinc in any brand product, when ingested, are harmful for cats and dogs. Cats will typically show signs of harmful dose of natural compounds( being absorbed via skin to bloodstream) by nausea or vomiting. The risk for this in SOLHEDS-products is minimal.

Information on product safety of animal care products can be found here.